“If you are buying human content moderation or Ai moderation software you need to talk to this team.”

Client name, client company

We do one thing…extremely well.

We help you procure the best solutions for your user-generated-content human and tech moderation needs

But why use a procurement agency for moderation?

Reduce Risk

Regulation can mean huge fines and even prison for Directors if moderation isn't carried out correctly.

The choice of solutions is growing daily increasing the operational cost of procurement.

Human and Ai Moderation are increasingly specialised.

Our one thing.

3 ways.

You Choose…

  • Brief us and we’ll find 3 of the best options and manage through to contract.

  • Brief us and we’ll pass you 3 of the best options for you to continue discussions with.

  • Brief us and we’ll provide a broad range of suitable suppliers plus our guides on briefing, short-listing, contracts and implementation

Why use us?

You know what you are doing, we both know that, but sometimes you need some extra firepower to nail something tricky.

Our team started one of the first human moderation agencies in the UK and have worked on hundreds of blue-chip moderation projects.

They worked on child safety legislation, they have used over 50 different social management tools and advised both policy and Ai companies.

As a team, we can help you find the right solution, likely more quickly and cost-effectively than you can, just because we’ve done it before - many, many times.

We’ll help reduce risk, improve time-to-market and essentially just make your life better easier.